Search Operators

You can type these search operators directly into the search box. (Alternatively, you can use the advanced search form to automatically construct your query.)

Operator Finds oGoing Updates...
oGoing search containing both "oGoing" and "search". This is the default operator.
"happy hour" containing the exact phrase "happy hour".
beer - root containing "beer" but not "root".
#haiku containing the hashtag "haiku".
@mashable referencing person "mashable".
superhero since:2009-11-01 containing "superhero" and sent since date "2009-11-01" (year-month-day).
ftw until:2009-11-01 containing "ftw" and sent up to date "2009-11-01".
movie -scary :) containing "movie", but not "scary", and with a positive attitude.
flight :( containing "flight" and with a negative attitude.
traffic ? containing "traffic" and asking a question.
hilarious filter:links containing "hilarious" and linking to URLs.